Trade Sales Membership Application

Trade Application
Address *
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Authorized Users

Please list the authorized contacts to whom you grant full access to your trade account, including access to billing, pricing, order placement and applicable tax documentation associated with this account. At least one authorized contact is required.
Business Document *

Maximum file size: 10MB

Please provide at least one of the following:
  • Valid membership to a major design organization (e.g ASID, IIDA, AIA, NKBA, IDC)
  • Interior Design Certification (e.g. NCIDQ, CCIDC)
  • Valid Business License that verifies the validity of the business as an Interior Design, Architect or Home Contractor based business.
  • International applications are accepted with the equivalent of US Trade organizations.
If you intend to purchase merchandise for resale, and wish to waive sales tax on your qualifying orders, please be advised that we will do so only upon request, and that tax documentation is subject to review, validation and approval at our sole discretion and in accordance with state, local and federal guidelines.

Don't Be Shy

Drop us a line anytime and one of our team members will be happy to help

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